The God Who Never Lies: Devotional On The Character Of God

In hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began. (Titus 1:2)

As a kid, when someone lied or even made me mad, I would say, “Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!” Nobody likes a liar, yet we all have told a lie before. We may lie on a resume, to a friend, or someone on the street as it seems convenient or not hurtful. However, the one who lies cannot be very trustworthy.

The Promise Maker

Throughout history and scripture, God makes promises. At the beginning of Titus, God promised hope of eternal life through faith before the ages began. God consistently interacts with people as Creator and Judge over the earth. His promises, oftentimes called covenants, are made with His people.

Take Abraham, for example. Abraham, called Abram in Genesis 12, is called by God from the Chaldeans. Also, in chapter 12, God gave Abram the promise of making his offspring a great nation. This promise is in connection with the previous promise in Genesis 3:15 that God, through the offspring of a woman, would raise a man to defeat sin and death. So, God gave a new promise to Abram. All is well, right?

The Promise Keeper

Continue through Genesis and Abram lies about his wife, then his nephew, Lot, gets into trouble, and after Abram rescues his nephew through God’s help. God comes to Abram again with another covenant. A covenant promise to give Abram a son by which a great nation will be established.

One problem again: Abraham and Sarah, his wife, are old. Like, it ain’t gonna happen old. Sarah realizes this and, in a way, mocks the Lord’s promise by laughing at it. She doesn’t believe it’s possible and has Abraham take her servant to have a son through her. This was wrong and distrusting of the Lord, who is the promise keeper.

Finally, Sarah conceives and has their son, who they name Isaac. This was the promised child! The one who will receive the covenant blessing and fulfill the covenant God gave! God even reminds Abraham of this covenant boy.

But wait, Genesis 22 throws another curveball into the story. God tests Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son. I wonder Abrahams thoughts at this moment? “But… God?.. I thought… He’s my… Covenant..?” Perhaps he was baffled at the request God had made.

Abraham obeys God and takes his son up the mountain, binds him, places him on the altar, and is ready to sacrifice his only son. The scene couldn’t be more dire or dismal. Abrahams only son of 90 years. His promised son by God, the son of his old age. However, as Abraham assured his son Isaac, “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son” (Genesis 22:8). Just before the moment of sacrifice, God saw Abraham’s faith and provided a ram for the sacrifice instead of his son. God is a great provider.

The Promise Kept

God provided a ram for the sacrifice. Even though God didn’t ask Abraham to sacrifice his only son, God wouldn’t withhold His only Son, Jesus Christ, to be a sacrifice for the world. Amazingly, God gave His only Son to die a cruel death for sinners. God kept his promise from Genesis 3:15, throughout thousands of years of history, to save His enemies.

This is why Paul writes Titus, “God, who never lies, promised before the ages began.” When God speaks, it is truth. Whatever God has said is reality, because He is the reality maker. God kept His promise to Abraham, and He will keep His promise of salvation for all who believe.

Like Abraham, there may be tests or trials in your life. We cannot always see what God is doing in our lives. A pastor once said, “We cannot always trace God’s hand in our lives, but we can trace His heart.” In other words, for God’s children, we cannot always see what God is doing at this moment. But, we know He loves us and gave His son for us (Galatians 2:20).

Christ The Ultimate Promise

Therefore, brother or sister, take heart that God made promises, keeps promises, and kept His promise ultimately in Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord that God is no liar. He is not like we often are tempted to be with our promises. He will keep His promises towards you through His Son!

Remember the words from Romans 8:35-39.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Romans 8:35

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39.


Jake has had a passion to write about God's word from a young age. Now, seeking to build up Christians, he is writing from God's word to be a helpful aid to believers.

Articles: 8

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