Aligning Ourselves to God’s Ultimate Plan: Joy To The World

Christians need to align with the plan of God for His name to be great among the nations. This will help them have peace and bring joy to the world.

The Clear Plan Of God

Right after God’s acting in creating, giving life to animals and man, God gave a command for man to multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 1:28). This command was given before the fall of Adam which brought sin into the world. Therefore, before sin corrupted the world, God’s original plan was for man to multiply and fill the earth. At the time, man was able to rule beside God over the earth, remember Adam naming the animals and tending the garden. God’s plan was for man to glorify God over all the earth. Man, who had right relationship with God, would spread over all the earth and give God right worship across every part of the world.

However, don’t forget the Tower of Babel. The motive of their actions were: Let’s build a name for ourselves lest we be dispersed across the earth (Genesis 11). The people of Babel desired to make a name for their self and not God. This is anti-God, as God is creator and made these people to worship and make much of Him. They were also disobedient in not wanting to be spread across the earth. This was God’s design for people to fill the earth and glorify Him: Spreading and multiplying, filling the earth with worshipers.

Habakkuk 2:14 says, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” The clear plan of God was to always fill His earth with His glory through worshipers. After all, He is The God Who Creates. Finally, this plan is now fulfilled in the prophesied Messiah of Genesis 3:15, the one who crushed the serpents head. In Jesus coming to live a perfect life, die the death He did not deserve, raise to life three days later and now He is ascended to heaven, fulfilling God’s redemptional plan for mankind. That through Jesus, all men who “confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

By redeeming mankind through a perfect sacrifice, men who were enemies of God come into right relationship with God. No longer do we stay as strangers to God, but become His children and ambassadors to the world. We become the worshipers who fill the world with the glory of God. We become the most beloved of the whole earth. And our inheritance is so great that you cannot begin to imagine the love God has given to us. Again, that His name would be given praise among the whole earth!

The Clear Path For Man

Now that we understand God’s plan, it’s pretty obvious what we are to do moving forward. We need to make as much money as possible, get the most precious possessions, build our kingdoms high, and make sure our retirement accounts are full for the days ahead. Wait, where did that come from?

Now, don’t hear me say something I am not saying. I am not saying money is bad, or that we should not save for retirement. But in light of what our great God is doing among the world and in the nations, why would we live like the rest of the world is living? Remember, the world lives without hope. Their only hope is today and the things that money can afford. We hold an eternal hope!

J.C. Ryle said, “God does not look at riches, titles, education, beauty, or anything of the kind. There is only one thing that God does look at, and that is the immortal soul.”

If this is true, that God only looks at the immortal soul, and ones found in Christ are saved forever and souls not found in Him are in hell forever, what greater importance is there? Our response will be telling of our understanding of God’s word. We must seek to live out the clear commands of scripture. Seek to tell the lost of Christ. Make it your effort to know the plain teaching of scripture. Labor over being an effective steward of the gospel in your family and church. Ultimately, that God will be glorified and He would be the treasured joy of the world.

The Joy Of The Longing World

Joy to the world the Lord is come
Let earth receive her king
Let every heart prepare Him room

And heaven and nature sing

The famous Christmas time hymn reigns true still today. The true Joy has come. His name is Jesus! He is the Lord of heaven and earth. True happiness comes through Jesus. How? By having peace with God. If you find your sins forgiven in Jesus, you will have peace with God. That is the good news and the joy of the world. The world is longing for joy. Yet, the world is lost. The world in it’s sinfulness is seeking for sinful answers. But we have the real answer, Jesus Christ.

That’s why God has placed us in the world. To be a mouthpiece of the gospel to those who do not yet know. This Gospel provides hope that Christians will be with God again in heaven. And we tell that hope to all we meet. Seeking to win others to Christ that they will experience joy forever more in Jesus. God provides this salvation graciously to all who believe.

Christian, be the joy the world needs today. Be a Christian! Trust God for His promises. Live by prayer. Trust that He is with you. And share the gospel as it’s the power to save.


Ryle, J.C.. Thoughts for Young Men (Christian Heritage Series – Annotated) (p. 34). Canon Press. Kindle Edition.


Jake has had a passion to write about God's word from a young age. Now, seeking to build up Christians, he is writing from God's word to be a helpful aid to believers.

Articles: 8

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